Make Your Mark 16:15

I sat down to read the Bible one day and I flipped it open to Mark 16. I said out loud, “Make your mark” and then it hit me. As a follower of Jesus, we are all called to make our mark. Not to make our mark like the world aims toward: financial success, climbing the corporate latter or becoming a social media star. Instead, to make our mark on the world by living out the great commission, essentially “Make Your Mark 16:15”.

Too often as a family we’ve fallen into the trap of chasing the American dream: We owned the house, had our children in private school, took care of the lawn and had our dream job but still felt what we call a “holy discontent”. God was sharing His compassionate heart with us for the lost and we began to be uncomfortable with being comfortable. Francis Chan has said,

“Not only are you missing out on life but we are turning away our children by the droves because our lives are not the adventure that they see in Scripture and they are not experiencing the Holy Spirit. They are experiencing like a Christian version of the American dream that’s watered down and we just make excuses for really idolizing our families rather than really putting Christ and the mission first.”*

Don’t just make your mark in the world by pursuing the American dream that will fade away. Instead, “Make Your Mark 16:15” by living out the great commission in obedience to Jesus. He will share His heart with you, then show you His will for your life.

It’s our job to follow and trust His Holy Spirit to empower us to make an eternal impact for the glory of God. We encourage you to say, “yes” to the adventure that He wants to walk with you on. He may send you “to the ends of the earth” or He may call you across the street to your neighbor.
